Kyoomars Amiri

Full Stack Developer & Market strategist
Full Stack Developer & Market strategist

Kyoomars Amiri

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کیومرث امیری هستم، برنامه نویس فول استک، طراح سیستم و استراتژیست بازاریابی، از سال 1385 با مدرک مهندسی نرم افزار مشغول به فعالیت هستم.

مدرک ارشد مدیریت اجرایی (MBA) را در زمینه بازاریابی از دانشگاه بهشتی دریافت کردم و در طی سالها فعالیت در بازار کار علاوه بر فعالیت بعنوان مشاور، تجربه کارآفرینی هم دارم.

What I do

Hello everyone, welcome, my name is KYOOMARS AMIRI and I am a full stack developer, system designer and market strategist with years of experience in information technology market. I got my bachelor’s degree from Shomal university, Amol where I majored in Software engineering. Also got my masters degree from Beheshti University, Tehran in MBA (Master of Business Administration) with emphasize on Marketing.
I have entrepreneurial and consulting experience in IT market. My Expertise is on ecommerce and i will be happy to share it.  Any inquiry , I will be happy to hear from you.
About me


I consider myself as a Technology fond, Enthusiastic Learner, Accurate observer and a Creative Person. I have entrepreneurial and consulting experience in IT market. I know how to code, how to express a brand story and I have experience in managing minion dollars projects.

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Finished projects


Years of expierence


Lines Of Code


Websites Developed
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